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Save, read, update and delete data

Save data

To save data to the database, create an instance of the DBModel class and call the save method. This will create a new record in the database if the primary key is not present, or update an existing record if the primary key is already present.

user = User(name="John", age=30)
INSERT INTO user (name, age) VALUES ('John', 30);

Read single record

To read a single record from the database, use the get with keyword arguments to filter the record by the specified fields.

user = User.get(id=1)
>>> User(id=1, name='John', age=30)
SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = 1;

Read all records

To read all records from the database, use the all method, this will return a list of all records in the table.

users = User.all()
>>> [User(id=1, name='John', age=30), User(id=2, name='Alice', age=25), ...]

Delete data

To delete a record from the database, call the delete method on the instance of the DBModel class.

DELETE FROM user WHERE id = 1;